The purpose of an engineering report is to cause change.

The style of an engineering report is a function of the change intended.

In some instances - such as routine school projects or single discipline consulting - the purpose does not change from one report to the next and a single report style is used time after time. For less routine work the report writer should clearly identify the intended result and select an appropriate writing style.

For example, to stop an ill conceived project without embarrassing senior officers a final, "soft" report may be preceeded by informal progress reports that give all parties ample opportunity to "jump ship."

On the other hand, a report intended to keep General Motors as a customer even after your company's parts have caused GM to consider a major recall, might be much more formal with overwhelming detail and written from a stance of responsible competence.


Engineering content is more important than style. Effective style will not overcome bad engineering; however, it is all too common that excellent engineering is hidden - and therefore ignored - due to incomprehensible style. The second best engineering idea, properly and enthusiastically implemented, will routinely knock the socks off the best engineering idea that is not understood.

If the report reader does not understand the report it is the writer that has failed, not the reader. Different readers process information in different ways. The effective report writer will appeal to those different processes through the inclusion of narratives, analogies, examples, charts, tables, flow diagrams and perhaps even graphic representations. The writing skill is to "push all of these buttons" without being redundant.


Every event - no matter how large or small - can be described in: An engineering report writer gives the several readers their choice of which level to read. Specifically an engineering report should be tailored to a least three different readers: While each of the three readers gets a different level of detail or "report richness" they should all have the same, consistent message.


Fortunately, writing for three readers does not require three different writing styles. The "inverted pyramid" or news story style allows each of the three readers to choose and quickly find the amount of detail (s)he needs. The Executive Reader might read only the report's summary and perhaps the various headings and, of course, the Detailed Reader is going to dig out every word of every sentence of every paragraph. It is writing for The Manager that requires careful construction. Just as the report should start with its single most important idea, starting each section and sub-section with a summarizing sentence allows the reader to quickly decide how much reading attention to give that particular section. For example, a section describing the world-wide production of cyclohexane may well start with the sentence, "Cyclohexane is a high tonnage chemical" before describing production level details. That introductory sentence alone may tell the reader all (s)he wants to know about production levels and allows him or her to skip to the next sub-section. A good technique is to tell the reader what the section will cover with one sentence, as in the example above, or directly saying "this section covers....". Another tip is to finish the section with a short paragraph that summarizes the findings, whenever appropriate. Tables and figures is another thing that the five minutes reader loves. Make sure they "tell the story or part of the story" without the need of reading the text.


The sequence for writing a report is not the same as the sequence for doing the work.

Here is one report writing sequence that has been successfully used:
  1. Do the work
  2. Identify the reader(s).
  3. Determine the purpose of the report - which may be different than the purpose of the work. Moreover; the purpose of the report may or may not be included in the report.
  4. Plan the presentation
  5. Write the body of the report
  6. Write the summary.
By far, the summary is the most important piece of the report. It demands clear, concise, accurate presentation. However; it should be easy to construct. If it requires much more than the first idea from each of the various sections of the report, you may want to consider re-writing sections of the report.


The engineering report is not a simple narrative describing the work done in the sequence it was done. In fact, the engineering report sequence is exactly the opposite of the "who done it" novel. In other words, put the answer first. Do not require the casual reader to wade through a description of your detailed work (wonderful as it may be) in order to get the conclusion you have reached.

The best report format to use is the one your boss tells you to use. Here is one format that has been used successfully:

  1. Title (Use a separate title page only if your report is more than about five pages long.)
  2. Summary (Target length one fourth to one half of a page - include major recommendations)
  3. Table of Contents (Only if the report is more than about eight pages long) Be sure to number pages and include number in the table of contents.
  4. Recommendations
  5. Introduction
  6. Background (if appropriate)
  7. Problem Statement, Explanation, Test Method, Other Sections (In a logical order determined by the specific work.)
  8. Results
  9. Appendices (Include raw data and any other items. This is the only place in the report for long sections of photocopied material.)


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